NEW PERPETUAL LIGHT SOCIETY: We have established a parish chapter of the Perpetual Light Society at St. John and St. Mary Catholic Churches to honor those who have named their parish as a beneficiary in their will or other estate plans and to encourage Legacy Giving, which is when parishioners remember St. John and/or St. Mary Catholic Church as a beneficiary in their wills, trusts, life insurance policies, retirement, and other estate plans. These prayerful and generous gifts will guarantee the long-term mission of our parishes. You are automatically eligible for membership in St. John and St. Mary Catholic Church’s Perpetual Light Society Chapter if you have designated our parishes as a beneficiary in your will or other estate plans. The amount of your intended legacy gift is kept confidential and never publicly disclosed. This is a commitment known only to you, your family, and the parish administration. To learn more about leaving a legacy gift to our parishes, we will be having a “Launch Weekend” at all Masses on the weekend of June 1-2 to provide more detailed information and answer questions about Legacy Giving.